- This event has passed.
澳洲金岸法界楞嚴聖寺將於 2023 年 5 月 27 日傳授三皈五戒
27 7 月, 2023 下午 1:00 - 下午 5:00
時間:2023年5月27日下午1:00 (請在當天下午提早15分鐘報到)
收件截止日期:2023 年 5 月 20 日 報名方式:請準備好下列三項:
1. 填妥之報名表 (請務必填寫聯絡電話及 email)
2. 兩張照片
3. AUD $100.
備註:A. 報名表可向金岸法界楞嚴聖寺辦公室/電郵 gcdr.australia@gmail.com 索取。 報名表亦可自行印出填寫
B. 基於場地空間考量,名額有限,請儘早報名。 ——————————————————-
GCDR is going to transmit 3 refuges & 5 precepts on May. 27, 2023 (Saturday). The registration information is as below.
– Date: May 27, 2023 at 1:00pm
(Please arrive 15 minutes earlier on the actual day)
– Last day for accepting applications: May 20, 2023
– How to register:
GCDR must receive (in person or by email) the following three items.
(1) A completed application form (contact phone number and email address must be provided)
(2) Two Photos
(3) AUD$100
Mailing address:
106 Bonogin Road, Bonogin 4213 , Queensland Australia
* Application forms can be obtained at GCDR office/email: gcdr.australia@gmail.com **
Please apply as soon as possible due to limited space of the site. Feel free to print out the
form yourself.